400 thousand university graduates enter the labor market each year. Still, the number is not sufficient to satisfy the national economic needs. The current situation of employees allows the new workforce to have their own demands and expectations towards the future employer. What therefore must an employer do, to fulfill the needs of their staff? –
Follow the current trends! Especially those related with innovative technologies, which will allow creating attractive and convenient workplaces – says Robert Strzelecki, COO of the technological company TenderHut, which developed an innovative application for managing workflow within the office space.
The question, which needs to be answered, is how we can describe the
Y generation, which at this moment is entering the labor market? Psychologists and Sociologists describe them as
ambitious, but demanding towards the employer. They also don’t attach themselves to one company. On the contrary, they change their employer without hesitation, when they encounter a better job offer. Self-improvement and satisfying their needs is essential to them. They are self-confident because they constantly invest in their personal improvement. These factors make their requirements towards the employer more demanding. If the current workplace does not suit their needs, they will choose the most convenient path, which is to resign from their current duties and search for something different.
A typical
generation Y member is often associated with a
smartphone, without which he cannot prosper in everyday activities. Smartphones became their second life. They are accustomed to using new technologies, and this gives them the upper hand, in relation to their older colleagues, who cannot keep up with the ongoing changes. The generation Y has a lot of advantages. They establish international relations quickly, and they also are well oriented in the
digital environment. They are focused on self-improvement and acquire new skills eagerly. Generation Y members show no fear when encountering new challenges. Employers must answer a difficult question – how to attract generation Y employees, to work in their companies?
Employee oriented market
Newest research shows that employees are in a good position. The unemployment rate decreased to approx.
7% and is the lowest in 26 years. According to the Randstad research institute, only
23% of the surveyed employees fear for their work position. For four years in a row, the number one reason, why Poles decide to change their current employer, is
better working conditions offered by a different company. On the other hand, announced that specialists are required in the following industries: IT, finance, trade, marketing and heavy industry. When the variety of employers is large, employees will choose those companies, which offer more than an appropriate salary and private health care.
The modern employee – young, ambitious and demanding
What can your company offer me? – This question is stated by the candidates in nearly every job interview.
From my observations, it looks as if the recruiter is more stressed than the job applicant – says with humour Robert Strzelecki.
The generation Y cannot prosper without smartphones and apps. Therefore every improvement in the working environment is desired – adds Strzelecki. This opinion is shared by
Paweł Gossa,
CEO of Investcover, a company which supports other enterprises in organising a friendly working space.
Our observations identified that human factor is more and more present in building construction plans, especially in real estate intended for business. Our clients expect that their office space will lure both experienced professionals and young workers. Therefore it is essential to identify and implement the needs of workers in the design phase, and later to choose adequate tools, in order to suit the needs of the investor and his employees. As it turns out, the attractiveness of the workplace is just as important nowadays, as the range of duties or other benefits – says Paweł Gossa
New technologies are the future of enterprises
The look of a modern office and the possibilities it creates can mostly increase the competitiveness of a company. This refers both to competitiveness in the industry, where the company operates, as well as on the labor market. According to research, comfort and workplace esthetics are an essential factor for the employees. In a performed survey,
52% respondents stated, that a
friendly workplace environment influences the way, a particular employer is perceived. What then creates a pleasant workplace environment? –
Modern, ergonomic interior, separate zones intended for relaxation and team cooperation (so-called collaboration spaces) or phone boxes. Technical infrastructure is also essential, like for instance high-class ventilation systems, power supply systems, including backup power supply, audio-visual systems for organising video conferences or different sorts of acoustic solutions in order to increase the work comfort – Explains Paweł Gossa.
One of the novelties, which enter modern offices is Zonifero, the indoor GPS – adds Gossa.
The concept author and head of the implementation team is Robert Strzelecki, who personally encountered organisational problems in his own company. –
Our company, TenderHut, was developing rapidly. We needed to extend our working space in order to keep up. This caused an organisational chaos. We understood that the solution should be as mobile as the employees, we are trying to attract – says with humour Robert Strzelecki.
So we created Zonifero, a mobile app, which navigates us throughout the office, indicates where particular workers are located. It also has a functionality responsible for managing projects. Zonifero allows the worker to sign the attendance list electronically. It works as a communicating tool and an office room booking system. Zonifero combines several systems into one simple and comprehensive smartphone app. This is very convenient, and in my opinion, such novelties attract new employees, due to the fact, that young people like the innovative environment – adds Robert Strzelecki. –
As a company, which specialises in coordinating the process of adaptation and modernisation of office spaces, we identified the increasing willingness of companies to implement innovative solutions, which optimise comfort and work effectiveness. Zonifero is an answer to the current trend of upgrading businesses technologically – says Paweł Gossa.
The employee-oriented market remains, therefore employers may come up with more and more surprising ideas, on how to attract the finest employees.
Zonifero is the result of a need expressed by employees. It offers support in swiftly adapting to a new working environment, This app has all what it takes to be one of the most popular solutions in Polish companies – says Strzelecki.