Registration for the first meeting of new series of events under the name of "Make SENSE in IT", which will take place in Wrocław, began today. Łukasz Olbromski, who is the main initiator and organizator, says that the purpose of those meetups is to educate and promote industry through critical and meaningful glance at IT.
Critical and meaningful approach to IT
– Make SENSE in IT is an initiative for people, who want to take a critical view of IT, e.g. a process of software development or IT team management. Through critical approach we want to promote an ability to choose processes connected with software development sensibly. For us, sensible approach is the most adequate approach to particular project or team, where a wastage is being limited – says Łukasz Olbromski, the promotor of idea of "Make SENSE in IT".
Those cyclical meetings will take place three times in a quarter. During each of them, after short presentation about selected topic, participants will discuss presented point of view, thesis or technology. Organizators bet on knowledge sharing and because of that experts' presentations will be just a jumping-off point.
The first meetup: 7th March
The first meeting entitled How to use developer tools sensibly? Tell your #MyVSstory will begin on 7th March at 5:00 pm in Fabryka Sensu (Benedykta Polaka 21/4 Street, Wroclaw). Registration:
– Because of the fact that those meetups will be for up to 35 people, I cordially invite all enthusiasts to register for this meeting as soon as it will be possible. It will be an occassion to celebrate two decades of Visual Studio – adds Łukasz Olbromski.
Strong, substantive support
Initiative, which will gather specialists from local IT world, is also being supported by company from another area of Poland.
– We are proud and very grateful to Łukasz for an invitation. It's an honor for us to take part in this event, to meet with enthusiasts, and to search together for a sense in IT. SoftwareHut is heavily involved in IT environment and its life in Białystok. Our employees co-organized Programistok conference, and every day they contribute to and support Bialystok .NET Group, meet.js Bialystok, Mobile Białystok, Agilestok, and BiałQA group, which unites software testers – comments Mateusz Andrzejewski, CTO in SoftwareHut, which is a part of TenderHut, an IT Capital Group from Białystok.
– As a software house, we deliver specially-designed gadgets for the meetings of different IT communities and we make our office available for technological groups. We want to expand our social activity beyond the borders of Bialystok through being involved in creating intitiative called "Make SENSE in IT".
More information about "Make SENSE in IT":
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