After a three-year break on January 18, 2018, we have resumed the meetings of the .NET user group in Olsztyn (OLMUG Olsztyn Microsoft User Group). During the meeting, we had two presentations and a lot of discussions until late at night.
Dawid Cieszyński (SoftwareHut, .NET developer, consultant) showed us, how we could write a unit tests using xUnit, NSubstitute and AutoFixture. He also shared his experience of how to effortlessly write good tests that are easy to maintain.
Marcin Iwanowski (F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Team Leader, Sharepoint Developer) told us, how we can debug an application in a production environment where we cannot use Visual Studio and when we have a problem with reproducing the issue on a developer machine. He introduced us to the secret of the WinDbg tool.
Thanks to the support of the SoftwareHut, between presentations we had a pizza and beers. The company also shared its room in which we could meet.
Soon, we plan to meet every third Thursday of the month with two presentations related to programming in the .NET Framework. We invite all .NET programmers from Olsztyn (more information at the meetup site), and we are looking for those who are willing to share their knowledge during meetings. See you on February 15.