The latest, most optimistically cautious issue of The Hacker’s Tribute is packed with a yin-yang from unfortunate updates through to ultimate upgrades.
Fly too close to the sun, and you get burned.
At least, that’s how the saying goes. Others include; “Overindulgence, is underperformance.” “Promise everything, deliver nothing.” Oh, the expressions are abundant.
Why the fixations, you ask? Well, several updates and new additions now promise you tech’s equivalent of the world. Unsurprisingly, not all make the mark. It’s time to view the sad sobriety of sweet & sour promises in our new issue.
Imagine a universal compiler, one with the perks that handle the work of multiple systems. Now imagine an open-source programming language of supersonic speed? Then, imagine a high-flying device plagued with bad luck.
If you think it’s unfair, then you’re right. It’s a multi-fortunate world. Some devices have it made; some don’t. Read on, to learn how some offer genuine positivity and spontaneity – whereas others bring nothing but predictable, age-old conundrum.
Despite the sobering news – the results offer considerable buzz.
Stay cautious, readers!
Dan ‘the Man’ Kowalski
Editor-in-Chief, The Hacker’s Tribute, Hypervigilant Individual
1. One GCC to Compile them All
Life is meant to be easy, and Opensource-dot-com preaches the truth. It’s a simple example of how to use cross-compiling with GCC. Binary packages; RPM, DEP, Flatpak, Snap, and more can now be created on a single system. Discover how you can use the GNU Compiler Collection to produce binaries from a single machine. The gift that keeps on giving, simple is again possible!
2. A Red-Faced Raspberry
No, it’s about the heat issue – that was last week. Raspberry PI-4 now faces compatibility problems in its USB-C Port. They range from Power to USB issues, and we think it’s about time we received an explanation! Hackaday explains the calamity in-depth, exploring the specifications with what I can call a rather scathing analysis. Read on, for this emotional statement.
3. V for Speed!
The V programming language is now open source! The Oberon, Rust, and Swift-inspired lingo is fast, simple, and markedly similar to Go. Compile up to 1.2 million lines of code per second per CPU, snuggle up to heightened safety, whizz through C-level speeds, and enjoy translations of V to C, or C++. Sounds too good to be true? It might be. The language is in Alpha, so keep an eye out for future developments.
4. The Early Beta Gets the Worm
As of the 10th of July, Android Q Beta 5 has launched! The update is now ready for App testing and includes the latest Android Q system images for Pixel and Android jEmulators. Explore updated build tools, gestural navigation updates, new themes, and optimisation for foldable devices. Once you complete, the Android Developers blog asks ‘oh-so-kindly’ that you post your feedback. Solid move.
5. Maximum Performance!
An incredible talk, by Oracle Labs’ Senior Research Director, Thomas Wuerthinger. Here, he explores how to maximise performance with GraalVM – discussing Java code best practices, as well as optimal compiler configurations. Learn reliable performance measurement, how to achieve minimal memory footprint, and much more. It’s a riveting talk with a knowhow well-worth the 50 minutes!
Knowledge is free, and shared. We’re always on the lookout for new insights into the world of App Development. Get in touch with us, and we’ll give you a heads up on your next big idea.
We’ll be in touch with more news, as it happens!