13 September 2019

The Hacker’s Tribute Vol. 22: Ada, Golang, and HiddenWall


The Hacker’s Tribute vol. 22 brings us new programming languages, cyber defence, and the latest updates in frameworks from across the digital sphere.

Greetings, Dear Polyglots!

Communication is the key to all relationships. It’s the lifeblood of love and the way of winning. Programming languages are as abundant as the number of spoken tongues across the world too!

That’s why, in this issue, we’re all about the art of the speech – online speech, that is.

Discover a new application to an old and sturdy Ada language, or an old ‘Build a Wall’ approach to a new set of digital challenges. From Flutter to Golang, we’re an online United Nations – with words, sequences, and digits to match.

In world of multiple approaches, consider this nugget of information; using another language is just another way of seeing the world.

Do we understand each other?

Lets’ speak soon!


Dan ‘the Man’ Kowalski

Editor-in-Chief, The Hacker’s Tribute

1. We’re not too different

The world’s nothing more than a collection of conflicting inflexions, sporadic syntax, and tongue-twisting vernaculars. It’s about time we found a common language beyond English, French, or Spanish! Why shouldn’t there be any similarities in programming lingoes? You’re in luck – because we’ve identified the unidentifiable – Swift & Kotlin. From functions to data structures, and declaring properties – see into the similarities, and revel in the revelations that these are easy to compare to one another.

2. From Flutter to the World!

Porting 75,000 lines of Objective C and Swift is a bit of an undertaking – but they say that anything is possible with the right attitude. Flutter brings a positive attitude, as we can say in a nutshell – it’s good. Find out why, according to this almost too-enthusiastically-happy user, why an excellent cross-platform mobile solution is the way to go. Most companies agree!

3. “… I Don’t Know What I’ve Been Told!”

Peace is wonderful. And, for the fortunate few, peacetime is an everyday occurrence, technologically-enhanced simplification. But ironically, most modern consumer tech exists thanks to past military projects. Ada, a programming language developed through a joint effort between the US, and British Defence Departments bring you military-grade strength that’ll give the A-Team a run for its money. Read the post to find out why.

4. A Big, Beautiful Wall

We love everybody. The Hacker’s Tribute is an inclusive publication for all in the digital sphere. But the moment your actions turn malicious, then prepare to face resistance. HiddenWall is a Linux generator of hidden kernel modules that’ll protect you from those packs of digital hyenas. Think of it as an extra line of defence that keeps your IPTables and UFW rules safe and sound. Can’t write low-level code? No worries – you’re safe now.

5. Go Long with Golang!

It’s time for an Autumn upgrade, with Golang 1.13. Extensions are now brimming with ease of movability between Go and other C-type programming languages. Open-source, and open-for-business, this Google lingo will support a brand new set of number literal prefixes. If I haven’t said it before, I’ll say it now; It’s go-time with Golang!

Knowledge is free and shared. We’re always on the lookout for new insights into the world of App Development. Get in touch with us, and we’ll give you a heads up on your next big idea.

We’ll be in touch with more news, as it happens!


Hackers of the world dream to be him. And that’s an understatement. With methods decades ahead of cyberspace, he’s proceeded only by his own reputation. ‘The Man’ infamous for single-handedly causing the ’08 global financial meltdown, he dropped off-grid searching for purpose. He twice-dominated each of the Himalayan peaks, negotiated the rift valleys of Africa, and swam the Amazonian Basin end-to-end. It was in Siberia where we caught up to him – convincing him to work for the ‘good guys’. The veteran’s veteran of coding, now confidently within our ranks, is finally a force for good. Just don’t test him.