Greetings, my fellow coders and creators!
It’s another week of nuanced debauchery in the technological sphere. People are looking for more information wherever we go, and the world is packed full of it.
This week, we explore more. There will be more features and more lessons. Some about flying, and some to do with processing images. All, however, guarantee widened horizons, deepening your handle on the world.
Here we go – let’s roll!
Yours electrically,
Dan ‘the Man’ Kowalski
Editor-in-Chief, The Hacker’s Tribute
Behind the Flutter
This one’s for the novices, but experts should also keep an open ear. Didier Boelens explores the ins-and-outs of Flutter, unearthing the age-old mysteries; what are Widgets, Elements, BuildContexts, RenderOjects, Bindings, and a whole lot more! Expect info re. interface between code and physical devices, Flutter Engine frame rendering, Renderview & Renderobject, and everything in between.
JDK: The Great Black Box
Once referred to as the JFR (Java Flight Recorder), a preview version of the JDK Flight Recorder support is out, and ready to hit the skies! Get prepared for GraalVM 19.2’s package holiday deal including a VisualVM tool. The plugin reads all JFR snapshots, from Java 7 and above. Fully integrated, it causes next to no performance overhead. Come fly with me today!
Computers with a Vision
Face it, we live in an Instagrammable world. Object recognition, image recognition, facial recognition – it all points to a utopia of digital eyes, picking and identifying aesthetics, in a future where you won’t have to. This post explains Exif Orientation, and the code needed to keep your images well-presented and stay ahead of the technological curve. Because food was meant to be posted.
Rust is a Must
When designing an open-sourced Rust library, this Microsoft veteran wanted to allow developers to consume and produce in-process Component Object Model (COM) segments quickly. Ok, so he’s an Intern, but a brilliant one). He’ll take you through enabling Rust support for COM, Implementation, and Creating COM objects.
Node on Easy Mode
Building a Node App in Docker has never been simpler. In this spectacular tutorial, we’ll set up a chat example with Docker, from scratch – up to its production-ready version! Be prepared for info on; Bootstrapping a node application, binds to shorten development cycles, managing node_modules, repeatable builds, and much more!
Better, Faster, Smaller!
Few inventions wow the world as much as this one. μPlot is an unprecedentedly rapid, compact time series chart. At less than 7 KB min, this MIT-Licensed chart creates 150,000 data points in 50ms from a cold start. Forget WebGL shaders or WASM – this one is right on the money, and at a fraction of the size. In the world of time series charts, size certainly matters!
Knowledge is free and shared. We’re always on the lookout for new insights into the world of App Development. Get in touch with us, and we’ll give you a heads up on your next big idea.
We’ll be in touch with more news, as it happens!