Greetings, Hackers!
Work hard and play hard! In this issue, we speed things up, with advanced garbage collectors, Kotlin myth-busting, and some shiny new Java Inline classes. But once all the work is done, sometimes we just need to kick back and relax.
That’s why, as a treat, we’ll be reporting on a special new type of web browser, made for the video gamer in mind. It’s a special issue blending the serious and the playful in one amazing package. Ready? Because The Hacker’s Tribute was always about fun and games!
This one’s for the gamer in everyone.
Play on!
Yours Sincerely,
Dan ‘the Man’ Kowalski
Editor-in-Chief, The Hacker’s Tribute
Arduino Pro IDE – The Alpha
The first instalment of awesomeness is here – and in such style. Whether you’re a novice programmer or seriously big cheese – this version brings the features you want, and you got them in droves. Dive into the modern development environment, relish the new board and library managers, board list, basic auto-completion, git integration, serial monitor, and that fashionable dark mode – fabulous.
Gamers of the World – Unite!
Whether you’re into LoL, or just dabble in cheeky games of Angry Birds while waiting for your flight, there’s a gamer in all of us. So when Opera came along and built this layered digital marvel – we stopped to catch some air. Opera GX features a custom colour palette, CPU & RAM limiters (because Assassin’s Creed can’t compete with Netflix), and a loot box-worth of features for the casual and serious player. You can breathe now.
Java Inline Classes – A Sneak Peek!
Inline classes are the bee’s knees of improving Java program affinity with modern hardware. This post explains all you need to know about Project Vahalla’s latest endeavour, with the aim of transforming data behaviours into more primitive variants. Explore the rationale behind inline classes, object identity, working with the LW2 Prototype, heap behaviour, and much, much more!
One Man’s Garbage is Another Man’s Millisecond!
Webtide’s Simone Bordet lays down the nitty-gritty on Garbage Collectors, at the Voxxed Days conference. Want the elevator pitch? Java 11/12 offers 2 fantastic new garbage collector: ZGC and ShenandoahGC. The aim? Solving the pause problem and bringing the process down to less than a millisecond. Click here, for a faster, more reliable future!
Smooth as SmoothieMap2
We can’t get enough of SmoothieMap – especially its new and improved version! We’re thrilled about the extendable hashing – a.k.a. dynamic hashing. As a bonus, you have a chance to soak up the first implementation of SwissTable’s algorithm in Java. With Formula 1 metaphors, performance issues, new features, application, and specialisations – it’s all here!
Baby’s Got Backend!
Kotlin is a big, massive deal. And yet, people seem to underestimate its importance. The debate rages as to its maturity – to which we say ‘yes!’. This myth-busting post dispels any rumours regarding its suitability, importance, and simplicity. Read this post to remind yourself that there’s hardly a programming language out there with the same level of prestige. Disagree? Well, opinions are passionate!
Knowledge is free and shared. We’re always on the lookout for new insights into the world of App Development. Get in touch with us, and we’ll give you a heads up on your next big idea.
We’ll be in touch with more news, as it happens!