The Hacker’s Tribute Complete game-changing fact ahead, readers!
The earth spins at 1,600km/h – and isn’t stopping for a single soul.
Look, let’s not kid ourselves – the world’s naturally dazzling. But sometimes I wonder if its ‘naturally’ spinning along its axis, or whether our antics have something to do with it. It’s probably us.
At least, I certainly think it is.
That’s based on the near-trillion Upgrades and launches hitting the first half of May. I’m talking; the underappreciated Firebase Authentication, .NET Frameworks (yes, they made it in here a second time, and with very good reason), Microsoft Build conference in Seattle, squeaky-clean all-new ReSharper, Visa payment systems, and Angular 8.
I’d include more, but I’m already pushing it!
Open your eyes, for the fastest, most rapid-firing momentous month of May – covered of course, exclusively by the Hacker’s Tribute.
Glad to have you back, by the way.

Dan ‘the Man’ Kowalski
Editor, the Hacker’s Tribute
1. Burning Firebase of Desire
It’s Free. And it’s impeccable. Google’s Firebase Authentication boasts backend services, simple SDK’s, in addition to specially-prepped UI Libraries. Most important of all, it works with usual suspects: Google, Facebook, and Twitter, to name a few. We couldn’t recommend this more.
2. .NET 5 Reigns Supreme
Microsoft, a small, Seattle-based computer services company, has announced a gamechanger announcement to its popular .NET family.
The upcoming patriarch, .NET 5 signals a goodbye to Core – aiming for cross-platform operations, especially the IoT. The release is scheduled in 2020 – but I’d still keenly watch this space.
3. Build 2019: and they’ll Come.
Whatever your interest – be it AI, the Cloud, or even Kubernetes – the conference has us spinning.
Discover the new Windows Terminal, for command-line users. Azure, the IoT-centred Cloud now integrates with Kubernetes, and GitHub credentials. AI also takes the stage, with Natural Language Processing, and machine learning for Office 365. Edge is confirmed too – as was discussed last week.
4. A ReSharper Focus
Now we can finally get down to business.
That’s because 2019 has officially started, with the latest ReSharper Ultimate 2019.1. Users can enjoy support for; C# 8, Visual Studio 2019 RTM, optional web languages support (for performance improvements), code-unindenting typing assist, and host of other goodies.
Can we say, ‘Happy New Year’?
5. Next-Gen E-Commerce?
Another ‘small, up-and-coming’ company ?.
Visa, launched a tantalizing flirt with the digital sphere, dubbed ‘Next’, this platform enables open APIs, allowing third-party applications to create their own digital Visa cards.
It’s a grand foray into the digital wallet world – old dogs learn new tricks indeed.
6. Angular 8
It’s happening! We’re heading ever closer to Angular v.8 – with rc.3 now live, boasting bug fixes signalling incredible changes for the future.
Differential loading means unprecedented performance, builders, new Ivy Renderer and more. Juri Strumpflohner uncovers all in exceptional detail here;
Knowledge is free, and shared. We’re always on the lookout for new insights into the world of App Development. Get in touch with us, and we’ll give you a heads up on your next big idea.
We’ll be in touch with more news, as it happens!