23 October 2020

The Hacker’s Tribute Vol. 56: Flutter Me Shocked!


Greetings, My Hackers!

Today looks perfectly fine. Flutter brings us new features and nifty extensions. Live Templates are awarding IntelliJ’s IDEA with a whole new experience. Plus, the good people of Google Play are offering Android Developers an overview of acceptable design practices – all in the name of ‘not being evil’.

But where’s the excitement?

I mean, our issues are notorious for the intensity and splendour. Well, many of those have already taken place years ago. In some cases, hundreds of years ago. Don’t worry – we’ve built a time machine, and you’ve been invited to view a pioneering computing programme predating your great-grandparents’ parents. Plus, we’ll unravel a mysteriously resilient programming language from the 1950s.

See? I told you that there’s much to look forward to!

Dan 'The Man' Kowalski

Dan ‘the Man’ Kowalski

Editor-in-Chief, The Hacker’s Tribute

Flutter Me Shocked!

It’s the ultimate enhancement to an already eye-popping v1.20. Prepare for the wonders that bedazzle Flutter 1.22. Oh, we’re not sarcastic. Never has a 2nd decimal excited us as much as today. We’re talkin’ animations perfected for the opened & closed Android keyboards, waterfall displays, cut-outs, and much more. Button widgets can easily customise, while State Restoration will keep your development going without annoying interruption. Explore bug fixes and a whole heap of optimisations too.

Achtung, Violations!

Android developers need a gentle reminder from time to time. To be online doesn’t mean navigating the wild west. A great app is one thing – but an even more excellent app is honest, ethical, and promotes integrity. Get acquainted with this setup of typical bad practices: unsolicited links, spammy app descriptions, broken apps, and more. One thing’s for sure, if you’re looking for a list of don’ts, then you’ve come to the right place.

The Tricks of the Studio

Ivan Morgillo is about to release a bombshell. Behold, Live Templates, one of the headlining features of IntelliJ’s IDEA. Learn how to get it up and running, whether you’re working with Java or Android. Unlock some neat tricks, from Creating a Live Template, to creating attributes, adding placeholders, and setting values. View the post for more information, as well as supporting documentation!

Emotional Babbage

Put down that pastry, and step into this time machine, coder! Take a stroll down the reference aisle, with Professor Dr Raul Rojas, as he takes us through the programming architecture of the Analytical Engine. The famed ‘AE’ had 26 programmes attributed to it from 1836 to 1841, by legendary mathematician and inventor, Charles Babbage. Dive into a riveting presentation examining the core processor, incorporating a cutting-edge dataflow approach. Consider this the Magna Carta of modern-day computing, from 200 years ago.

Still Kickin’ It COBOL

Some things in tech never change. That’s a lie. Most things evolve into new incarnations, rendering themselves unrecognisable. One thing does remain a constant, however. COBOL, a 60-year-old programming language still piques the interest of a great many tech aficionados. 220 billion lines of this legacy platform continue to underpin the global financial industry, since its inception as a business-oriented programming language in 1959. It’s old-school, pure and simple. But it’s going to stick around, so long as the value of money remains a ‘thing.’ And it does.

Knowledge is free and shared. We’re always on the lookout for new insights into the world of Web and Mobile App Development.

We’ll be in touch with more news, as it happens!

Read Tech Stories from Experienced Devs!


Hackers of the world dream to be him. And that’s an understatement. With methods decades ahead of cyberspace, he’s proceeded only by his own reputation. ‘The Man’ infamous for single-handedly causing the ’08 global financial meltdown, he dropped off-grid searching for purpose. He twice-dominated each of the Himalayan peaks, negotiated the rift valleys of Africa, and swam the Amazonian Basin end-to-end. It was in Siberia where we caught up to him – convincing him to work for the ‘good guys’. The veteran’s veteran of coding, now confidently within our ranks, is finally a force for good. Just don’t test him.