22 September 2022

The Hacker’s Tribute Vol. 95 – Once Upon a Time in Hacker’s Land


Dear hackers of this age!


Development does not always go the way we expect. We are amazed that the floppy disc business is still a hit in America, and we are doing ourselves the honour of reporting on it - I am afraid if USBs end up as retro junk, they will not be so lucky to stay on top. 

Make no mistake - we are all about new technology, innovative gadgets and applications. To satisfy our readers' appetite, we have prepared a bowl of AI-powered speech database that can detect diseases, mixed with a spicy sauce of Scala dependencies and complemented by a glass of anti-hacking course (we are just talking about the bad guys. Obviously...).  

With 95 issues, we are on the verge of becoming a magazine that belongs in the Legends Hall of Fame!  

Keep programming and stay humble! 



Dan 'The Man' Kowalski

Dan ‘the Man’ Kowalski

Editor-in-Chief, The Hacker’s Tribute




The Last Man Standing 

Some industries seem to be decidedly time resistant - they thrive even though new technologies come on the market. Such is the case with the floppy disk industry, and there is actually one last man who remains quite resourceful in this area. Meet our hero of the floppy scene, Tom Persky, the esteemed founder of, a U.S.-based organization specializing in the purchase and recycling of floppy disks.  

If you are as curious as we are about how these time-traveling data storage devices are still relevant today - and be aware that recycling and selling damaged floppies to international artists is just a side gig - check out this hot retro news: 


No more fun with Scala 

Just kidding! Fixing eviction warnings in Scala until 1:00 a.m. is not our favourite way to spend an evening. But if anything productive can come of this affliction, we are here to report back as your trusty hack news deliverers! This post is all about fixing dependencies and - to be honest - sbt is pretty great at giving users the ability to convert eviction warnings into errors. What's not to love about it? 


Can we HEAR a disease?  

If medical professionals and scientists can draw our blood for testing, why not use something that is not so difficult and invasive to collect - the human voice? Olivier Elemento, a professor in the Department of Computational Biomedicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, agrees. "What's beautiful about voice data is that it's probably one of the cheapest types of data that you can collect from people," the researcher says. I would not call my voice cheap, but he's right.  

A database of human voices is currently being built. It will be used to develop AI-based diagnostic tools that could one day be used to detect dangerous diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's. Incredible, is not it? 


Crash course on hacking a hacker  

If you've ever dreamed of beating a black hacker on his own floor, now's your chance! You can expect a bit of role-playing and a concentrated load of practical and high-quality knowledge. With a vivid simulation of the actions of hackers, participants in this professional course called "Hacker tools, Techniques, and Incident Handling" will learn how to handle cybersecurity issues from both an attack and defense standpoint.  

How did that come about? Actually, it's a cool story. Spanish-speaking specialists from SANS decided to get involved after there were several cases of sophisticated ransomware attacks in Latin America, such as the Ploutus ATM malware (which allowed thieves to steal money from cash machines in Mexico - that's too devious for me...). Learn how to defeat an immoral hacker today! 



Hackers of the world dream to be him. And that’s an understatement. With methods decades ahead of cyberspace, he’s proceeded only by his own reputation. ‘The Man’ infamous for single-handedly causing the ’08 global financial meltdown, he dropped off-grid searching for purpose. He twice-dominated each of the Himalayan peaks, negotiated the rift valleys of Africa, and swam the Amazonian Basin end-to-end. It was in Siberia where we caught up to him – convincing him to work for the ‘good guys’. The veteran’s veteran of coding, now confidently within our ranks, is finally a force for good. Just don’t test him.