Providing serverless technology
solutions for businesses

Serverless serves the purpose

What does “serverless” mean? Why use serverless computing? 

Serverless is a cloud-native computing model in which the cloud provider runs the server that the developers build and run IT infrastructure elements. This way, there is no need to manage back-end infrastructure: with serverless computing, developers do not have to worry about things such as capacity planning or physical servers. 

Believing such platforms to be an excellent option, we can make the serverless-focused applications work for you and your business. The solutions we offer make use of containers and serverless computing, meaning that you won’t have to worry about the technical side of things. 

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The benefits of serverless computing solutions

Let our serverless app development services help your business grow


No server management required


Quick updates and deployments


Improved latency


Better scalability


Lower costs


Less complicated infrastructure

 Choosing options that rely on a serverless computing platform can cut your server spending by up to 90% 


Trust our knowledge

Choose the best serverless app developers for your project



Containers and serverless computing are not a mystery to us



We will making sure that our solution fits your business



We offer consistent and specialised assistance 

Distributed systems with Azure Event Grid 

When developing solutions for businesses, we always use modern and reliable approaches. Azure Event Grid is a great, effective option for event-driven apps. 

Using a pub/sub model and simple HTTP-based event delivery, Event Grid decouples event publishers from event subscribers, allowing the creation of scalable serverless apps, microservices, and distributed systems. Our software development specialists are experienced in that field and can bring your event-driven app idea to life, while you can focus on app logic rather than infrastructure. 

Serverless storage possibilities

Azure Blob Storage is a Microsoft product meant to be an object storage solution for the cloud. With it, storing massive amounts of unstructured data can be made easier. Your data that does not adhere to any particular data model can find its place there. 

A blob (Binary Large Object) consists of binary data stored as a single item. Blob storage enables companies to keep large amounts of data secured and stored within a Microsoft Azure storage account. Blob storage is a simple, cost-effective, and highly scalable cloud-based object storage solution. Setting everything up might sound intimidating, but that is what we are here for – let us do it for you.

We can join your project to support your team



Analyse, understand, clarify.



Development or implementation of an IT solution.



Continually help and improve.


The Cost of Serverless Technology

Your business has a budget assessment it has to adhere to, and we understand that. Outsourcing a software development team does not have to be expensive, though.  

The costs are based on the details of your project and the number of developers you want to hire. Commonly used billing options are fixed price and material. In fixed price, the budget does not change depending on the time it takes to finish the project, while in the time and material model the delivery time is taken into account when calculating the price. 

We’re your team of software developers

At SoftwareHut, we’re a team of 200+ experienced software developers, ready to deliver your project. With over 200 projects delivered for our clients, we know our craft when it comes to bespoke software development.

We’re an extended team, which means we can join your project at any time, working hand-in-hand with your in-house software developers. You don’t have a team? No worries, we take on entire projects, too.

IT professionals

projects delivered

client satisfaction

Do you have any questions?

We’ve covered some of the most frequently asked questions to make your decision as straightforward as possible.

Why do businesses choose serverless apps?

Because they are more cost-effective and have better scalability. It also takes less time to release them. 

Are serverless software services really more time efficient?

Yes. As developers only need to focus on the application development and not on the infrastructure itself, they are able to deliver the results faster.

Would Azure Databricks based solution fit my business?

While it can be used in all sorts and sizes of enterprises, we can discuss specifics after understanding more about your project and goals.

Why do you use Azure?

Azure is a modern technology that allows for seamless business integration. Using cloud services dramatically reduces the costs of running a data centre infrastructure.

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